Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bad Morning, Awesome Day

My day started with me throwing my breakfast all over myself. I had to clean the floor, the counter, the microwave, and change my clothes, all before I took a bite or even a sip of coffee. I don't know how nothing broke. I had sticky, hot oatmeal all over the everywhere, and directed my frustration at my poor husband, who happened to be in the room. The only jobs I found I was interested in applying for, I had already submitted applications. It wasn't the best start to my day.

Thankfully, it got better, as soon as I started my work day. I have a student who literally sings, "Here," during my video chat attendance check. I had a student brush his feathery hair foward, Flock of Seagulls style, camera on, during morning prayer.

While it is true that we are winding down the school year, and these eighth grade kiddos are beginning to mentally check out of their online learning. It's actually happening later than normal for this group of kids, and I'm pretty sure I have the quarantine to thank for that. (But there was a notable drop in work completion this week.)

My senior had a package of Legos arrive today. My belated Mother's Day present was in the mix. We sat at the table putting Bricks together, together when the dog started barking. I caught the eighth grade room moms putting a sign and a tree in my front yard.

We stood outside, standing at a distance from each other, talking. I was in my bare feet because I went outside unexpectedly. It was so good to see them. Before this delivery I knew they appreciated me, but it was awesome to feel it emanating off of them as they took pictures of me with their gifts and we chatted about the possibilities for the start of high school for their graduating eighth graders. It was bittersweet, because after all, I am leaving this community. I will no longer be a part of SMM Irish very soon. I don't know what's next for me, and they don't know what's next for the school, with so many teachers cut from positions that seem necessary for the day to day operations. We parted promising to pray for one another and with words reminding each other that we will see each other soon, for their kids' virtual graduation via Zoom in just a couple of weeks.

We ended the night by introducing our high schoolers to some high culture from the early 90s. It turned out to be a pretty good day.

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