Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Last Week

This year I have four graduations to attend within the space of week. Three are eighth grade graduations for local Catholic schools where I have worked, and one is a high school graduation for my niece in the Portland area. The first graduation was on Thursday night, followed by a crazy drive south on Friday for the second one, in the midst of some intense spring rain, during heavy traffic, with a deadline to see my niece graduate. We made it, but just barely. Seriously - my brother in law has video of us cutting across the field just past the barrier meant to stop us seconds before the graduates walk out. Or so I'm told... I haven't actually seen the video. Today was the day after graduation number three, the day before graduation number four. So when a co-worker saw me after I took my turn in the center of carpool after school this afternoon, and told me I looked like I needed a nap, I wasn't offended, and I totally believed her.

Yesterday a new tradition was born at the school where I've been subbing since February. The graduating eighth graders sat facing the rest of the school while the principal read their favorite memories of each grade level. After each set of memories was read, current students from that grade came up and delivered a handmade gift to each eighth grader. Most of the building is getting new furniture next year, and the science teacher/7th grade homeroom teacher worked with her 2nd grade buddy class to decorate the lab stools that otherwise would have been thrown out. They gave the graduating class a survey of likes and dislikes and turned it into a poem read aloud to the whole school by the super cute, eight year old second graders, and incorporated into the decorations on the stools. I'm sure every student who ever sat on one of those stools but didn't get one is jealous that there weren't enough to go around. I'm a little jealous!

In the midst of all of the graduations and regular school duties plus end of the school year traditions, I am of course, trying to close out the school year in someone else's classroom. It's both harder and easier than closing out my own room. I want to make sure everything I'm putting away will be found again, and I'm not sure what I should throw away/recycle vs. file away. But I'm also taking back the mental mantle of "I'm just a sub" in a big way. It became necessary when I got an email telling me I needed to turn my keys in "by Friday." I literally laughed out loud when I read that. Friday is the last day of school. If I prioritize report cards and cumulative record cards, the room might not actually be ready before I've been told my keys to the building need to be out of my hands. I can do what I can do with the time I have left, and then I'll gladly hand over my keys. Sorry (not sorry) summer cleaning crew. Sorry (not sorry) next year's teacher.

I've exchanged personal contact information with the members of the middle school team I'm leaving and the staff there continue to express disappointment (and understanding) that I won't be returning next year. I've made plans to meet up with several former co-workers over the summer. I'm ready for next week when I get to sleep in and only have to worry about my boys, my house, my dog.

But I'm very excited for next year too. I've worked with the current middle school team for about four months, and know I have made an impact on them. Last night my former principal expressed a sincere interest in working with me again. I was also told by a teacher at my former school that I showed the teachers there "what kids are really capable of" and raised the bar for their teaching expectations.  (I'm pretty sure I'm going to be using that particular compliment to feed my soul for years to come.)  I love what I do, and apparently I'm pretty good at it.

That should sustain me through the final graduation, field day, the variety show, and moving desks out of classrooms on the last day, right?

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