Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Valentine's Day Eve

At a Catholic School it's bad form to have a party on Ash Wednesday. Therefore, Valentine's Day parties were held today. Before I started this long term sub job, it had already been decided that this class would spend the last two hours of the day watching The Princess Bride and making ice cream sundaes from a table set up by the room moms in the hallway. It was the calmest, best classroom party I've ever had to supervise. I'm a fan of movie parties, and will recommend them from now on to whatever class I'm teaching.

Never get involved in a land war in Asia.

Today was my fourth day in this classroom, but I still got a haul of candy from the kids. Some even came with notes like, "Thanks for being an awesome teacher." Both room moms made a point of introducing themselves to me, and telling me they are excited to have me as the long term sub.

Even more came may way after this photo was taken.

I finally made it out to carpool after school today, even though I knew I was supposed to be out there after school on my first day. Truthfully, I wasn't feeling very well every other afternoon so far, and used that as an excuse to pack up and duck out as early as possible. I rationalized that they haven't had a teacher in that carpool position for three weeks already, so they could do without for a bit longer. It wasn't the best attitude, but it was where I was physically and emotionally. But after going out this afternoon, I can't believe I waited so long to get out there. I saw many parents of former students who took pains to talk to me for a few minutes before they had to drive away. They were happy to see me and talked about their older kids, how they are doing, and/or how they wanted to come visit me now that I am back in the building. I was feeling the love today.

I am having fun teaching again. It might be as many as five years since I could say that with complete honesty. Right now, today, I don't feel bogged down by any part of the job. I am basking in the joys of teaching, in all the reasons I have felt called to this profession since I was a kindergartener.  I know I'm just a sub. I know there are long nights and stressful weekends of grading ahead as essays and papers are turned in.  I'm not sure how I'm going to write valuable comments on report cards in a few short weeks.  But right now, today, I love every part of this job.

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