Friday, August 19, 2022

Late Summer Musings

I have attended several Zoom professional development workshops and sessions this week and last week. The majority of participants in attendance were most proud of taking a real break from their work over the summer. There were also many people who had spent time working on advanced degrees and even one who spent the summer "batch planning" so that she already has loose lesson plans through June. Color me jealous of all the above categories. Actually, maybe I'm not jealous of those who have totally unplugged from school over the summer. I am proud of the work I've accomplished this summer.

My classroom is still in enough disarray that I have yet to take any pictures. But I am feeling more and more excited about moving back to middle school. I have recalled several activities I created for the last eighth grade history class I taught as I've been drifting off to sleep at night. I've also asked my former eighth grade partner teacher for digital copies of back to school activities she shared with me when we were in the same building. 

I ran into two former eighth grade students at Safeway today. I didn't remember both of their names until after I was home (even though I knew they both started with the letter J), but we had a pleasant thirty second interaction as they picked out fruit because they got hungry watching their friend play in a tennis tournament at a nearby high school. They appeared happy enough to see me, and all of the reasons I really enjoyed working with middle schoolers hit me hard in the few moments we were talking.

The coming school year is going to be great. I keep saying that to others and thinking it to myself. One of the assistant superintendents of the Archdiocese reminded us to find our marigolds and avoid walnut trees this year. As I reread this article, now almost a decade old, I was saddened to recognize many of my former and current colleagues in the description of the walnut trees... and even myself at times. But after several days of reflection, I see that my current school building houses so many marigolds. So many that they are unavoidable! Now my goal is to NOT be a walnut tree for the coming year. I might be able to accomplish that if I remember to seek out my marigolds when I need a boost.

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