Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Wonders of the Season

 My students know how to put a smile on my face. I have had a steady trickle of gifts coming in since just before Thanksgiving. First, I got an Amazon gift card, I think for teacher appreciation week. I've been getting baked goods and chocolates too. One student gave me a GIANT Lindor chocolate Advent calendar. On Monday morning I had a student run to my desk as she entered the room, backpack and coat still on. She held a plastic bubble from a vending machine near my face, bottom side toward me so I couldn't see what was in it. "Open it, open it, open it!" she chanted as she handed it to me. Inside was a plastic Wonder Woman ring. It's too big for my pinkie and too small for my other fingers, but I wore it around my classroom all week.

On Friday another student handed me a Christmas gift bag. Inside was a handful of chocolate with a Christmas ornament.

One student who is new to our school has an IEP team from the local public school that has been working with us since the start of the school year. One day this week when she came in from lunch recess she came straight to me - advocating for herself, which is one of her IEP goals. She was upset about something that happened on the playground and asked me to mediate a conversation between her and another student. It turned out to be a simple misunderstanding that was cleared up quickly. Afterwards, she wrote me this card:

Next week is the last week of school for the calendar year. It's going to be crazy, especially with a trench being dug on the playground/parking lot. But I'm sure there will be joy in the midst of it all. I wonder how many more Wonder Woman gifts I will receive... 

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