Saturday, October 16, 2021

Mid October

 October is a hard month. I guess the holiday season (with its breaks) seems far away, and the energy of the start of the school year has dissipated. It's really a good time to hunker down and focus on the WHY of what I do.

My students are amazing. I know I have felt this way many years, and I'm very thankful for that. Kids are awesome. And the year I stop feeling that might be the year I need to run away from what I do. As a mom, would I want my kids in a classroom where the teacher doesn't see the amazing and awesome potential of my child? That would be a hard NO.

So this time of year, when the daylight is waning, the temperature is dropping, and the happiness is fleeting, I cling to the joy. 

The joy of reading.

The joy of harvesting.

The joy of discovering.

The joy of crafting out of paper.

I know I already knew this about myself - but if you put me in a new subject or new grade level, it becomes my new favorite. The fifth grade teachers at my school are prepping to head to Camp Seymour the week after next. I'm not going, and there is a part of me that is mourning the loss of a camp experience with my class. But my fourth graders are learning and growing and become better versions of themselves without an outdoor environmental education experience. I see it every day. I love what I do. I hope I'm making a positive lasting impact on the kids who come through my room.

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