Friday, September 7, 2018

First Week Interactions

How we were greeted the first morning.

The first week of school is officially behind me. As always it's been a long week, and my back, legs, and voice are all sore. It was crazy, chaotic, and I am not yet used to my new schedule. But I can genuinely say that I am enjoying my new co-workers and am happy to be in this building.
I had some fun/funny interactions this week:

When the middle school teachers were filling me in on the rules and expectations that were going to be presented to the students:
Me: And telling them the expectation is their warning. They don't need another one if they break the rule.
Fellow teacher: I like how strict you are!

A seventh grade student came to introduce herself to me even though I don't teach seventh grade. As she was eyeing the Harry Potter book ends that are on either end of the series she asked, "Do you like Harry Potter?" I motioned to the corner where I have five Albus Dumbledore quotes on display and she responded, "That's a yes!"

8th grade student A: Are your outfits always going to be so color coordinated?
Student B: Yeah, your earrings, even your eyeshadow and toenails match.
Me: Probably not every day.
Student A: You even have purple in your hair!
Student B: You got it going on!
Student A (singing): Stacy's Mom has got it going on.
The next day:
Student A: You said you wouldn't always be so color coordinated. I feel lied to.
Me: It's only the third day of school.
Student A: But it's been every day!

8th grade student (working on a first day getting to know you worksheet): How do you spell             ?"
Me: It doesn't matter. Get all the sounds in there and I'll know what you mean.
Student: You are my favorite teacher ever!

The year is off to a great start! I can't wait to see what next week brings.

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