Thursday, September 1, 2016

The First Day

Since yesterday was First Day of School Eve, obviously today was the First Day. As first days go, it was great. I got hugs and hi-fives from former students. I got flowers and a 12-pack of Diet Coke from parents.

First Day Teacher Gifts
I danced in front of the kids. I told them I was weird. I made them do a group activity they did not understand with no explanation until the end. I stood on a chair. I required them to shhh! when I needed them to, including for the prayer service in the church. I think they got a feel for who I am as a teacher - which might not exactly fit their normal perception of a teacher, and is pretty much my goal on the first day. And at noon, the chairs were put up and the kids left my classroom.

End of the First Day
"Elephants' based on
The Blind Men and the Elephant

I came home and drove my son and three of his teammates to soccer practice in the rain. Then I responded to email, talked to Kate (my partner teacher whom I am mentoring this year), and updated my website for the new school year before making sure I have enough activities and the required materials to teach a FULL day of school tomorrow.
Sitting at the table this evening, I found myself teary eyed over an ad for a shingles vaccine... you know, when the grandma can't play with her grandson because her shingles hurt so much. I might be a wee bit tired. It's a good thing tomorrow is Friday.

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