Thursday, July 7, 2016

What Do Teachers Do All Summer?

Although it does tend to rub me the wrong way when random people comment on the "short" hours required of teachers and how nice it must be to have summers off, I admit that if I did not inject structure into my summers I might end up spending entire days watching TV. But since I do tend to work every weekend and sit and grade papers after school and after dinner during the school year, I like to think I deserve a little down time during the summer. Here is a list of some of the things I have done so far this summer, with my "free time."
  • Space Camp! While I've only done the teacher field trip thing for two summers, some kind of professional development has always been part of my summers since I started teaching. I even have another conference I'll be attending in late July. But that's work - this list wasn't supposed to be about work.
  • Certification Renewal. Okay, one more about work. I spent time tracking down my professional development hours over the past five years and submitting an online renewal form and fee so it's still legal for me to do my job. I'm happy to report that my renewal came through yesterday. I am certified to continue teaching through June 2022!
  • House Cleaning. It's not glamorous, but it's necessary, and something I flat out don't have time for during the school year. It's like spring cleaning, but in the summer. I have tackled organizing the guest room and kids' rooms (including their dressers) so far this summer. Next up for reorganization and clean out are kitchen cabinets and the pantry. I suppose I need to add the refrigerator to that list.
  • Watching movies. I have actually sat on the couch with my family and watched movies several evenings recently! That might not sound like exciting news, but during the school year, I tend to sit at the kitchen table and listen to the TV while I'm grading, prepping, planning, or otherwise occupied with tasks related to my job. I even went to see Finding Dory twice, once with my boys and the following week with my goddaughter.
  •  Scheduling Activity. Usually my personal activity level drops off substantially during the summer. I wear a pedometer, and have set my personal daily step goal at 14,000. On school days that's no problem, easy breezy. But when I'm not at school my step count has been known to plummet to under 5,000 steps per day. This summer I've been proactive and enlisted the support of a walking buddy. We've been meeting at 6:00am to walk for an hour, and on the days we've met I've had between 7,500-8,500 steps before 8:00am. As an added bonus, it's beautiful in the mornings!
Morning View
Morning Step Count

  • Sleeping. I admit it - I've slept in and napped at least a couple of times during the summer. But I'm actually trying to stay on a "normal" schedule this summer.

  • Appointments, Appointments, Appointments! Trying to schedule appointments during the school year is difficult. Most places have to book you way into the future to get times that are late enough that I can get there on time after teaching. So I tend to wait. I've taken cars in for oil changes, brake checks, and new tires already. Between my two sons, I have three (or is it four? I need to check on that) medical appointments coming up later this month. I've taken the dog to the vet... You get the idea.
  • Visits! Not that we don't get visitors or visit people all year round, but there are more, bigger, longer visits during the summer months. All four of my kids' grandparents were just here for the Fourth of July weekend and I'm expecting two of my cousins and their families later this summer. We don't have any big trips scheduled for this summer, but might do some camping in August.
Spying on a Backyard Bunny with Papa
Both Grandmas

  • Reading. I used to be an avid reader year round. But now days I tend to binge read on school breaks. I've already read six books this summer, seven if you count the one from the dog training facility. When I really get into it, I have been known to read a book and a half a day. Right now I'm in the middle of reading the list of books my incoming students were given in June for a summer reading assignment.
  • Writing. I'm trying to finish my third short story for self-publication on Amazon, but have gotten sidetracked with starting a blog. Hopefully I'll get 1848 (a continuation of 1841 which has been up for five years already) online by the end of the summer so I can begin working on other stories that are floating around in my head.
  • Attending Events with Family. This is actually something we try to do throughout the year, but we get to do more during the summer. We've already been to one Sounders game, and bought the 4-Match Pack to attend four more games between now and October. We're going to a concert this weekend, and a Fifth Avenue Theatre production later in the month.
    Sounders Match

  • Meeting up with Friends. Besides the aforementioned walks in the morning, I've been able to see friends for coffee, dinner, and shopping so far this summer. I'm headed to a wine walk this weekend, and am in the process of scheduling a night to watch old movies with a friend. (And if you're reading closely, you'll have noticed that I have two events scheduled for the upcoming weekend - something I work hard to avoid doing to myself during the school year.)
Girl Time!
In the face of this long list of "not work" activities, I want to point out that the idea of teachers sitting on the beach, drinking margaritas all summer long is a myth. I have never met a teacher who didn't work at least a little bit during the summer, and most put in far more hours than many people realize. Later in the summer I'll post about my back to school prep.

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